Tuesday, December 20, 2005

my barest soul, episode 8

Problems with my computer: I do not have MS Office and I also cannot read Chinese text.

Breakfast: Vegeterian noodles
Break 1: Carrot and apple juice
Lunch: Brown rice, bean curd, ladies' fingers, potatoes, orange and watermelon juice
Break 2: Brown-rice tea
Dinner: 1 red apple

So far my diet seems to be going on okay and fine. Anyway, I did a drawing at Bukit Batok Industrial Park area. I can't say the sketch is good, but it's fairly decent. I have stopped getting excited about each new work of mine. I just know that I have a very, very far journey ahead and I cannot be bothered with small litttle successes or failures now. I just need to move on and press on.

I have not been thankful to simple little things for a long time ....like, thankful for the shady morning that made my drawing session smoother. Thankful for a glass of plain water. Thankful for the gentle breeze that blew in through the window that gave me some life and joy and hope for reasons unknown.

I just hope I do not get into too much trouble with Dad and other relatives when I go back to Johore for the Chinese New Year (as a result of my conversion to a vegeterian diet).

I still cannot find any books on Shi Tao. I love Corot's drawings. I am having *slightly* greater confidence with my medium. Let's hope I can push on and go further from where I am.


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