Tuesday, December 06, 2005

my barest soul

1. NUS

The other day, some time last week, I went back to NUS to look for Dr Ho. I felt an unspeakable sadness and longing for the past. Everything felt like yesterday. I was drinking tea at the canteen, looking at people who went by. The difference was every face was a stranger to me. I went to the library to look at the books on Chinese painting. I went to Dr Ho's room to listen to music and look at art books, and we talked about life. He is finally going to move. There was some unspoken sadness; after all we are sentimental creatures.

2. NIE

I thought about what I call eternal moments in life. Some of what I recall are these:
a) Reading Russell's 'History of Western Philosophy' on the train'
b) Sitting on the pavement to draw trees after breakfast; listening to Emi Fujita's music at the same time
c) Doing monoprints alone at the printmaking studio
d) Putting up drawings in my hostel room
e) Jogging sessions with Roy-boy and Cheesecake

3. Songs

I was singing in the shower just now. I realised that I have not learnt a single song this year.

4. Books

I am going to read very, very slowly. And I mean very, very slowly. One line a day even, perhaps.

5. Art

I need to think and work more. Anyway, art should speak for itself.


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