Sunday, November 27, 2005

down memory lane

Back in 1993, I knew Ernest. We spent our recess breaks together. I loved Wang Jie, he loved Andy Lau. We drank tea-o, talked about girls and sex, and kicked catek together. We gossiped about teachers, shared homework, did art...we even sat together before. In 1995, he dropped AEP (Art Elective Program), went to a different class, and we stopped talking to each other. We lost contacts. I got in touch with him again in 1997, when I decided to become a Christian. He gave me a very wonderful Bible which I carried with me for at least two years. That Bible must have cost at least $35. Then we lost touch again. Lately, while on course at the Police Academy, I saw him. He had just signed on the Singapore Police Force. I got his number. I told him we'll meet for tea again after 12th December. I'm seriously broke. I think he'll be disappointed to know that I'm not a Christian anymore, but anyhow, those were the days when we braved many things together.

I wonder what I have to tell him...after so many years. My home is still as screwed-up. I've got a degree and am currently teaching. My brother has two different children by two different women and is in Thailand. I'm still doing art. My glorious days of 1995 to 2003 are over. Glorious because I did everything I ever wanted to in those years. Drinking. Staying out late. Photography. Falling in love. Installation art. Writing. Survived the army and ran a half-marathon. Looking glamorous. Singing KTV. Those were the days when one does not need to think about responsibility.

In those days, I did watercolours while staring out of the window. I listened to Mavis Hee and Wang Jie. I loved Turner and Van Gogh.

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I have become mellow. I have turned to looking at Chinese painting. I have grown to love old songs and hate the new. I revisit places, re-read books, rewrite stories of my past, and re-listened to old music. I recall every yesterday as if it were really yesterday, saddened by how some things have changed and how some things have not changed.

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