Wednesday, November 23, 2005

This is life...

Just when my course is ending...when I'm supposed to take on whatever challenges and duties and responsibilities of teaching, or just when I'm supposed to enjoy my holidays, catching up with old friends and hopefully old teachers...just when I've lofty ambitions and ideas for art, I'm down with flu yet again. Last year, it lasted a good six weeks after seeing at least three or four doctors. This means, my concentration level is very low, and I get restless and tired easily. I have no energy to think about great ideas in all the good books I'm reading (or rather scanning through, though I try to think a bit)...I wouldn't be able to go out into Nature and sit and draw for at least an hour and a half...(to overcome that, I have to adopt a different philosophy/approach to drawing)...

Of late, I managed about twenty sketches (and I REALLY mean SKETCHES)...I'm quite happy with one or two. I'm trying to reformulate my philosophy/approach to drawing (or perhaps even art in general). This may take quite a while...(such things do not take place overnight...usually takes weeks or months or longer...)....I'm rambling -- whatever...I'm trying to experiment with some ideas.

To simplify things, my current idea may be summarised thus: on one hand, one must venture into the dark and unknown...for he who makes little mistakes will not go far. On the other hand, I'm unwilling to let go of discipline, so I may want to do more technical/realistic drawings...hence I'm stretching in both extremes.

Will stop here before I stop making sense.....


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