Friday, January 27, 2006

episode 34 barest soul is at episode 34.

Misery loves company. As I think about going back to Johore, the song that plays in my mind is Miki Imai's 'I Miss You', with 'you' referring to no one in particular. I miss my students (especially those who love my English or Art lessons, or those who loved X Japan or cried while watching 'Grave of the Fireflies'...)...I miss my friends, my teachers (esp. Dr Ho) and my colleagues...I look forward to teaching art soon...Well, this too will pass, in three or four days.

When I was young, I never needed anyone ...(lyrics from 'All by myself')...
When I was young, romantic love was everything... (my own)

(sidetrack: And I thought young Ranker could look as cool as old Elton John)

I miss Miki Imai's 'I Miss You'...

When I was young, romantic love was everything. Now, life is everything, while everything is nothing. Art and nature is everything.

And perhaps, I may get Skeeter Davis's CD when I come back, but I'm presently broke now. And I hope this will pass too.

Happy Chinese New Year to all.

(This time, I'm really going back to Johore to see my uncle and his new house, after eight years of absence and excuses. The problem is I actually saw him a year or two back, when Serene was here and he came to Singapore for a while, but he insists that I should see his new house. Apparently, the new house is such an important lifelong achievement to him, that in the words of my cousin [his daughter], 'If he didn't build the house, he would never rest in peace if he should die'. )


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