Tuesday, January 17, 2006

episode 29: Reply

My teacher's reply:

You've never changed! Just as angst ridden as ever...sometimes I do wonder if it is all necessary to play out the romantic notion of the tortured,tormented artist. If I have taught you anything, it is that sometimes we needn't really bother too much. Idon't mean not bother about art (with a small 'a')which is intrinsically tied to our being...couldn't shake it off even if we wanted to. Don't bother about Art with all its isms, philosophies and trends. There is wisdom sometimes in being stupid about these things. I gave all that up long ago...which is why I never bother with the art circle. Its navel gazing if you ask me! What we do is simply to put our experiences on paper, as honestly and sincerely as we can. Nothing more, nothing less.The reason I asked you to go upscale is to allow yourself, as you put it to look at the same things from different perspective. The challenge of size sometimes opens up new visions and ways of operation that help reveal something new. It gives the viewer a different sensation and experience which is all we are trying to do really...giving the viewer that experience that only art can give. If we are really really good, we might even give the experience of what many call beauty. But no need to be plagued by it...take your time with it. It is far more important that you enjoy what it is you are doing. And abstraction...forget it! Georgette Chen never went abstract and remained the master that she was...Ng EngTeng tried that...and what a mess he made of it(remember the monstrousity outside the SAM Museum?...but I'm being unkind....he was a great artist and a wonderful, generous and kind man)Its good for me that some of my students have become teachers themselves and continuing the good work in our schools. My time is passed and you guys mustcontinue the evolution of art education for ourcountry. I just came back from NZ visiting my old art teacher and I told him that so much of what I am as a teacher I learnt through him. We talked about TylerPrint and how is it that a premier institution likethat could exhibit works of such poor technical and aesthetic quality. My teacher Barry taught me about quality...what it is to do things well. Like I've always said, if something is worth doing, its worth doing well. I'm grateful that you thought well of the education you have received from me. Its your job nowto transmit that love to your students. About that exhibition with you...I think you will have to wait a long while. I never thought much of whatI've made. I'm proud of very few of my works actually.Art used to play a big part in my life...its role is somewhat diminishing these days...I rather enjoyfatherhood more. But art never leaves you, like an old friend you haven't visited for a long time,encountering art again is always pleasant and stimulating. I visit art once in a while now and for whatever time we had together, the conversations were always polite and cordial. No big overtures or statements, just enjoying the way lines walk on thepages and how they leave behind the instant, the moment, the sensation.I'm still serious about the CNY visit and the showing and critique...better yet, let me pick one of yourdrawings for my wall...I still need works on the wall.


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