Saturday, January 14, 2006

episode 26 (nothing)

1) X Japan

I introduced my classes to X Japan. Their responses are here:

2) Mobilisation

The only good thing about mobilisation is I get to see my army-mate Guoquan. Anyhow, the story goes like this...I told me that now that we are all busy with teaching, the only chance of us ever catching up is when we are wearing green, so instead of returning home after mobilisation, I went to the coffee shop at his place and we had a good chat. Part of the conversation goes like this:

Me: There's no good Chinese music nowadays...the only decent people seem like Fish Leong, Jay Chou and SHE, who are not exactly terrific...even Stephanie Sun is going downhill.

Guoquan: You sound like my mum...she's always saying that the music nowadays is not really music...perhaps you are lagging behind the times?

Me (thinking silently in my mind): Again? The last time I had a conversation with him, he said I could not appreciate Faye Wong's music because I've not caught up with the it applies not just to Faye Wong, but Chinese pop/music in general...Am I really living in the past? In the recent month, I spent close to $200 buying old CDs I've lost. Wang Jie. Cai Qin. Xu Meijing. Kit Chan... Even X Japan... Is progress really linear? Why can't I progress in life by re-examining things of the past?

Anyhow, we shared a bit on money management, and of course on teaching as well as recalling some army stuff.

3. Art

I'm just happy to annouce (or even know in my heart)...that in my mind, I have a direction for art. Never mind if it is least I know what I want to do, how I want to go about doing things...and I have a direction.

4. Patience

Is of the essence. Enough said.


At 5:49 AM, Blogger ice_kachang said...

Glad that you have found a direction in art :)


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