Friday, January 20, 2006

episode 30


I did some sketches. The book on Van Gogh drawings has arrived and I have collected it. It is good.

I'm also reading Indian literature, Malaysian literature, as well as the Holy Koran (though I haven't gone very far for the Koran).

I know it's not very good of a teacher to do this, but lately I use art lessons to do my drawings. I believe after three weeks with me, I can leave my students on their own for challenging drawing tasks, so I use the time to do my own personal drawings and sketches.

I am very busy. Forgive me if I haven't contacted you, you, you, you and you...anyone or all of you....Students are half my life now. And of course, my other half, my love, art.


At 8:21 AM, Blogger dnlc said...

Take care. And your CDs are with me. I'll pass them to you on a day when you have time to pick them up? Or we could wait till the March holidays where there is a higher possiblity of having more breathing space. In the meantime, jia you, Mr. Lok!


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