Wednesday, December 21, 2005

my barest soul episode 9

Today I'm greedy...

breakfast: 1 vegeterian noodle
break 1: 2 vegeterian pratas (at Beach Road -- VERY GOOD! the fake mutton curry tastes like the real one, though honestly I don't like the taste of mutton, so I'd prefer curry with just potatoes and cabbage instead)...1 orange-mix-watermelon juice
lunch: rice, bean curd, ladies' fingers, 1 carrot-apple juice
dinner: 1 red bean bun, 1 lotus paste bun, 1 vegetable bun, 1 Milo-O, 1 apple

That seems like a lot.

Anyway, I did not have time to draw today. Was busy doing some attendance records, sending my laptop for a friend to fix (now I have MS Office and can read Chinese text), buying Pulau Ubin maps for NPCC (hence I was at Beach Road) etc.

Not drawing for a day makes me feel weird. Maybe I'm becoming weird.

I'd be busy tomorrow and the day after, but I really hope I have time to do a decent drawing tomorrow. Will be doing recce at Sungei Buloh, because we're bringing the cadets there next week during the camp.

Just to explain (?) my vegeterian stance a bit -- the Chinese say that 'illness enters from one's mouth', and it seems apparent that the 'cleaner' or less potentially toxic food are essentially the plants. I mean, imagine all the fish eat polluted stuff from the water. Then you have the big fish eating the smaller fish. Then you have us human beings eating the largest fish. All the toxic substances will be in our bodies. Besides, what happens in reality is this: our bodies actually carries a lot of toxins. We become ill because of 'imbalance' as a result of the toxins. What happens? We have diarrhoea and vomit and cold and cough and stuff. These are symptoms that the body is trying to expel the toxins. What happens when we take Western medicine is, they suppress the symptoms, so while we think we are okay because the symptoms are gone, the toxins actually accumulate in our bodies, so that the next time we become sick, it gets worse. Conversely, when we fast, or eat fruits and raw vegetables (though I haven't reached that stage myself), this diet allows us to expel the toxins (those familiar with Chinese medicine or alternative medicine will understand what I'm saying). Why do you think cancer patients have to limit themselves to a certain prescribed diet of fruits and vegetables? This is because such a diet expels the toxins from our bodies and keeps the body healthy and 'clean'. In Japan, some monks were so strict with their fasting that most of the harmful bacteria in their bodies died because there is nothing for the bacteria to thrive on, for the monks only had tree bark and water. Imagine! Even the bacteria DIED in the monks' bodies!!!!! If SARS were not such a swift-acting disease, I believe it would be curable too. Unfortunately, some diseases act really fast. When your body is 'clean', it is unlikely that harmful bacteria will thrive inside, and hence a lesser chance of you falling ill. Whatever I had sprouted might sound like nonsense to you, and at this stage I'm not confident ro knowledgeable enough to preach to everyone to follow my method, but it makes sense to me. In fact, if I have time to read up and be well-informed, I'd gladly be an ambassador of such a diet. Consider also how it saves the Earth's resources: we have to feed chickens (and other poultry and animals) before we can eat them. Why don't we learn to eat vegetables, and slowly learn to eat fruit, and survive on that and water alone? Western medicine and science can say all it wants about calcium and vitamins and proteins, but there are really alternative sources to be found in fruits and vegetables that allow us to live long and well enough. Personally, I find fasting to be something spiritual, though I have no religious feelings for any religion as of now. It says something about one's spirit and way of living and seeing things. I am just beginning, so I'm still exploring things.

The bottomline and basic common sense is this: I believe essentially most bodies are born to be similar (I'm not saying the same). The reason why some are healthier than others could be largely attributed to diet, since everyone sleeps and eats. (Though exercise could be another factor) So if we are indeed what we eat, and if the Chinese are right that 'illness enters from one's mouth', then I believe that having a vegeterian diet has its advantages over a meat diet, and it keeps the body 'clean' and rids it of toxins. In fact, it is even believed that if you eat enough raw food and vegetables, even the mosquitoes would not bite you simply because there is nothing in your blood that will attract them.


That's all for now.


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