Friday, September 23, 2005


Seek a peace that endures even when you are beset by various temptations and tried by much adversity.

These days, to be able to read or write a good line is in itself a luxury. What is all this work and mad rush for? At the end of the day, what is it that i want?

... ...

I had some small success with trying to discipline 1N1 today, but of course, I shouted so loudly I was quite sure 1E4 and 1E5 could hear me.

Next year, I forsee a bleak and busy year ahead with the impossible work load from NPCC. As I type, I have countless (and I mean it as close to literal meaning as possible) assignments to mark. In fact, I suspect I have even lost or misplaced some of the back-dated assignments.

I went to 4N5 for relief today. I swear I do not want to see those people again. I can imagine 2N2 being like them in one or two years' time, if not worse.

I believe that having a NA or NT class alone next year would be sufficient to keep me extremely busy. If I have two or three such classes, I'll probably go berserk. Disciplining them is one thing; making interesting lessons to sustain their interest is another.

To top it off, I'm supposed to do wonderful CME projects with them. Honestly, I should just do my own project and submit it to my HOD instead.


At 5:49 AM, Blogger Chuang Shyue Chou said...

May I know what you teach in school? The terms you use appear alien to me.


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