Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hi to Elaine

It's a shame that I have actually deleted a lot of entries on art because at some point I thought a lot of my ramblings were useless, though looking back at it now I thought they could still have been useful for someone who wants to know about art. I gave up on the tag board after a while, since it's hard to come by someone who's interested in art, so I might as well share what I have.

My art can be viewed at (Not exactly up to date or comprehensive, but good enough and recent enough)

My old writings can be found at

I also write stories once a while, and there's one which I thought would really help you to get to know art really much better. You may want to go to, scroll ALL THE WAY DOWN, and read the last story entitled 'Holidays'. It's the culmination of my art ideas of 2002 and 2003, some of which are still relevant today.

I also have many miscellaneous writings on art on my computer which I have not posted (either that or for some reasons I have deleted the entires/blogs) email me at if you are interested.

Art is virtually my life; do feel free to get me on this subject, and thanks a million (to the power of infinity) for dropping by and the note of encouragement.


At 7:54 PM, Blogger avalon said...

Hi sin
Very nice of you to post something just for me.
Will be back!



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