Tuesday, August 30, 2005


The woes of not having a digital camera:

1) I cannot take pictures of the wonderful artworks by students. Today, Mrs Song told me she was quite impressed with the works in 1E3 classroom. Miss Heng also said she loved the banner 1E3 did for Teachers' Day. I had a hand in both these projects, so naturally I feel proud and happy. It's a pity no one has yet commented on the efforts by the 1N1 students. They are actually very nice people, but to say that their discipline is terrible -- well, that would be the understatement of the year. Ms Woo commented that 1N1 'is a zoo'. Well, unfortunately, looking at the behaviour of some of the students, I can't agree more.

2) I cannot take pictures of my own drawings. It is so important to be able to take pictures of my drawings, so that I can use them for lessons, as well as update my friends on my latest drawings.

*** *** ***

1N1 organised a party for the teachers today. The response was lukewarm, though I'm glad most of their teachers went. After the whole event, I wish I could tell them that they are actually very lovely people, but they are just very misguided in life... coming from very problematic backgrounds. They are like lost sheep...and unfortunately we teachers are all too human. We are too bogged up by projects and marking and meetings and lesson plans. We lose our patience when they run around and misbehave like unruly animals. I'm not the Messiah. How many can I 'save'? I feel a deep sense of compassion towards them, but I do not know what I can do. They have their own dreams, pride, and dignity. I just feel very useless...

When I first went for their party, no teacher was in sight. Of course, most were having meetings and stuff, but there were teachers who did not turn up too....teachers who probably had enough of their nonsense and poor discipline during daily classes. Much as I had hell from them during my lessons too, I turned up because I felt their sincerity and effort in throwing the party. They actually bothered to make an invitation card for each of their teachers, and they gave each teacher a red pen (never mind it costs less than 50 cents - they are not from rich families).
I felt really consoled when I saw other teachers coming later on. I do not know why, but I just felt happy for them. A lot of the kids also told me to eat more, though I know from the previous lesson that the organisers had problems collecting $2 class fund from everyone. I am glad there was enough food for everyone.

*** *** ***

The kingdom of heaven is within you. I'm not rich, but I'm glad with what I have.


At 5:29 PM, Blogger lil piggie said...

The poor man is not one without money, but is one without dream. :)


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