Friday, August 19, 2005


Yesterday, I did abstract drawings with some students from 1E3. The materials were crayons, Chinese ink, markers, pencils, erasers, etc. The students were told to try a few things; these include drawing with their non-masterhand, drawing with eyes closed, imaginging the things they see as upside down, and responding to random topics I threw them (e.g. of topics include atomic explosion, drawing fish bone, nature etc.) They also drew with unorthodox materials like newspapers and tissue paper. The students produced some drawings that I was quite pleased with, and I told the students to put the drawings up on the classroom wall. I do not know about the students, but I felt proud of the drawings. I thought if more students had taken part in the activity, the walls would have been covered now.

Today, I did something quite adventurous with 1N1. I gave them a sheet of paper each, with a topic or question behind and they are to express the topic with the materials I provided. On top of that, they will switch their papers and and work on their classmates' drawings. At first, the students were quite reluctant to use the paints I provided. Then they started to make quite a bit of a mess. At the end of the lesson, they actually completed some twenty-over drawings that I put up on their classroom wall as well.

Of course the management part of the lessons was quite tough, but at the end of it I was quite happy and pleased with the results.


English lessons with 3E7 *seem* to be getting better, but I'm not sure.


At 7:47 PM, Blogger ice_kachang said...

Your art lesson with 1E3 sounds interesting :) hope you have the time to draw, just as i wish to have the time to stand and stare!

At 5:17 AM, Blogger sin said...

hey hey...take care and do find time to catch cheesecake if you can. The ideal time to go to SAM should be near end Sep. There's a retrospective on Tapies's works. Tapies is one of the very good abstract artists...(can google him for a start..)


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