Sunday, August 07, 2005


I spent today doing effectively nothing.

I feel like getting an art book on Japanese prints tomorrow. Actually, the two books on my wishlist are 'Hardboiled and Hard Luck' by Banana Yoshimoto (which costs a staggering $29) and an art book on modern drawings (which costs about $71) Good books on drawings are hard to come by, especially those on abstract drawings. The books on Franz Kline and Cy Twombly are good too, but I don't suppose I'd get either of them. Their works are good, but there's little point in imitating their style.

I'm currently close to the end of volume 2 of Soseki's 'I am A Cat'. I may continue with Japanese writers.

I simply have no time to think about art and do good art. Since June I've only completed two abstract drawings, both A4 or smaller.

I surfed net for half the day...and found out the following:

1) Miki Imai has a new single, and she will be having concert tours again (which means, maybe she would be releasing more concert albums)

2) Chihiro Onitsuka will release a new album 'Singles 2000 - 2003'. The problem is, she has a single in 2004 after 'Dance Waltz With Me' -- one with a very pretty cover nonetheless -- and I would love to listen to that. The new album will consist of songs that I should already have (after all I have ALL THREE of her albums, plus her BEST-OF)

3) I also want the book based on Argentina by Banana Yoshimoto. Though I have the Chinese version of it at home, I still want the English version.

*** ***

I wish I could do art full-time. I wish I could publish an art book of my drawings and people would buy it and I can live off the royalties while doing and exploring new art. The creative life is an interesting and exciting one.

Let me daydream on being a celebrity just for today...


At 5:22 PM, Blogger lil piggie said...

why daydream when u can wake up n smell the coffee, so as to speak? (knowing u, i think coffee sounds better than rose here.. ;P)..

if i'm to cont to write, then u'd better cont to draw or compile ur drawings tgether into a book! i look fwd to that very much. ;)


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