Friday, July 22, 2005

Time waits for no one...

I recall a few meet-ups with Jacelyn. There was one at Fat Frog's at Substation (no longer exists I think), one at Funan Mac's, and one at Bishan Olio Dome. If I recall correctly, the one at Bishan Olio Dome was to discuss NIE matters. Today, a few colleagues left to go for NIE. Last night, while tossing on my mat, I couldn't help but feel the swift passage of time yet again.

Honestly, I did not paricularly enjoy my NIE days. Why do I still look back? I recall waking up early to draw trees, listen to Emi Fujita's 'Anegl's Voices Calling' and having quiet time over breakfast. One phrase I particularly like from the song is 'joy beyond the telling'... With all my busy and hectic schedule now, will I find time for such quiet moments of solitude and joy again? I cannot even bring myself to listen to Bach's 'Air' and keep my mind peaceful for even five minutes in the staff room; my table is in a chaotic mess. When shall I feel 'joy beyond the telling' again?

I was fortunate enough to find time to slip to Orchard Kino for one hour or so today. Saw a really nice art book that costs about $46, but managed to refrain myself from buying it. Really wished to do art again very badly!

After that, on my way home in the evening, I decided to walk the long way home by making a detour to my old residential area. For those who had followed my blog for very long and recall older entries, I actually thought of passing by my usual 7-Eleven to see if the 7-Eleven girl is still working there. When I bypassed the previous week, I thought I saw her, but I did not go in then. Today, she wasn't around.

Besides the 7-Eleven girl, there is this lady who is wheelchair-bound seling tissue paper. Let us call her the tissue-lady then. I bought tissue from the tissue-lady about eight years back. Some weeks back, I still saw her.

There are characters in one's life who do very little, or do nothing, yet somehow they remain in one's memory for very long.


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