Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Joy and sadness...

As I was on the train, I got a surprising SMS that one of my good friend's mother had passed away. Of course, such things need verification. The news was later confirmed; the kindly lady had indeed died of cancer. She was younger than my mother.

When I called my art teacher to verify the news, I forgot to congratulate him on the birth of his son, who should be about two months old now. My art teacher married quite late, around late thirties close to forty. He asked me about my teaching life and stuff. We had a hasty conversation.

... ...

I came back home and read a cheerful blog today. My friend commented on her colleague's blooming love life, and how that cheered her up. It reminds of how I would think of pleasant things in this world to cheer myself up or when I am insomniac. I believe in sharing other people's joys. As long as I see the compassion and forgiveness of fellow human beings for one another...or pretty young ladies loved by worthy gentlemen... gracious elderly and happy children, then I do believe that life is worth living in spite of all the suffering we see around us in the form of wars, diseases, disputes, disasters, poverty etc.

I see a young and pretty colleague everyday. She is loved by the God she believes in and, I believe, a worthy gentleman too. (I could only recall once she said something about her boyfriend not wanting to watch a performance she wanted to watch. I don't suppose that makes the guy any less of a gentleman.) Her radiant smile occasionally brightens up my day.

Such is life.

And I am content.

(As Emerson once said, 'Give me health and a day, and I shall be happier than kings.'...or something to that effect.)


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