Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I'm broke after shopping...

Okay...apparently this month I had been overspending. Nevertheless, life is too short, so let us enjoy while we can.

After indulging myself in three art books and Emily Dickinson's poetry collection, I went on to acquire the following:

1) Emi Fujita Live at Esplanade CD (*screeeeeaaaams!!!!!!!!!!**) She's absolutely fantabulous, the only problem being she sounds exactly like her recorded CDs.

2) Chinese art book on the Chinese painter Lin Fengmian
Lin Fengmian was also Li Keran's teacher like Qi Baishi and Huang Binhong, but his art takes on a different flavour altogether. His is more of a combination of East and West.

3) Poems of Solitude by Emily Bronte
Indulging in solitude.

4) The Inner Life by Thomas Kempis
A handy book to carry around for spiritual living.

5) Coloured pencils from Muji
It's too bad I gave away my Berol Eagle coloured pencils to Andrea, who hasn't started drawing anything yet I suppose. I would have gotten myself a set of Berel Eagle if I can find it and if I can still afford it. Chihiro Onitsuka has a set of Berol Eagle coloured pencils that was least 86 or 144 colours????

Okay...surely that was too much indulgence. I'd better not be too distracted. I need to get my lesson plans and marking done soon.


At 7:19 AM, Blogger ice_kachang said...

*blush* erm...lemme know if u want it back...

At 6:12 AM, Blogger sin said... can have good and strong


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