Monday, December 26, 2005

episode 13

1. stock taking of the year gone by...

Books read:

Drawings: and

Writings: Refer to earlier blog entries...

Of course, there are more than the above links, but guess I'm a bit lazy and busy to put everything in place. And of course, life is more than the above.

Teaching. Music. There are other intangibles that are very important. Like friends and time spent with students.

Looking back, I'm really thankful to Pigeon and Cheesecake for making my stay at NIE very pleasant. I'm thankful for a kopi-and-art friend like Amanda too (though yah, no more frog's porridge)...

2. Looking ahead into 06 (in generic terms; the details would come later along the way)

a) more reading, more art (and BETTER art), more music (these will remain constant)
b) better teaching (this will be measured against my students' grades, though of course, the intangibles should be looked into as well)
c) better money management
d) NOT neglecting people, whether friends, teachers, or students...

I must be daring enough to dream...


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