Saturday, December 31, 2005

episode 16

It is important that one studies from the greatest teachers, Nature and Life. These aside, I had the best mentors (Mr Chua and Dr Ho) and I have the best friends I could ever ask for...I read the best books and listen to the best music. I do not consider myself lacking in discipline or determination or patience in the area of art. I am young and of reasonably good health. The only things I lack now are time and space. I do not have the luxury of working eight to sixteen hours a day for art. This aside, I should be able to produce good art. If under these conditions I cannot produce any good art, then I cannot imagine how anyone else can produce any good art under any other conditions. I must therefore succeed, for the simple reason that I cannot fail.


It is written in Ecclesiastes: there is nothing new under the sun. Truly, can one tell me what else has not been siad, except for subjective experiences of individual lives? Even so, are these experiences not universalities, the same hopes, disappointments, joys and sorrows that we struggle with? Is Nature not the same beauty perceived through different eyes?


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