Saturday, October 01, 2005


There seems to be some problem with my blog...the formatting has gone all wrong, but as far as I can post, I shan't let it bother me too much. I had made quite a few serious blunders in teaching, but I think I shall save them for some other time and be less whiny so as not to turn my blog into a ventilating space.

I went to see the Tapies exhibition today. The video was informative and good, but the works were largely disappointing. I'm very certain he has much better works, except they are all in some other important galleries and collections round the world.

I love books, music and art. I'm so glad to find a lot of joy and meaning in these things, without which I think I'd be an empty vessel. I'd be less than nothing. Le Couple's music lifted my spirits as I was marking in the staff room today. I simply have no time to read or draw now. I wish I have time to think about my short stories or writings.

Perhaps I should really just ignore all the silly administrative stuff and beauracracies for a while, and start to seriously write or draw...


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