Saturday, July 08, 2006

future... 2006 and beyond

In nine months' time, I would be twenty-seven.

I looked at the drawings I had done. I was happy with a good number of them, but there are more things I want to do.

I also ask myself what sort of difference I want to make now that I am in the business of teaching.

Soseki's books have enriched my life greatly. I want to teach my students to read the Bible and Soseki's books.

I must look after my health. I must find time to exercise and take long walks.

episode 40

Today...I went to NUS and slept on one of the study benches for about half a day. The remaining time, I finished 'And Then' and went to town to return the book at Orchard Library. The copy of 'Atonement' (Ian McEwan) was too thick and heavy, so I decided that I shall borrow a smaller papaerback version when I can find one.

'And Then'... a very good book. Soseki is assuredly way ahead of his time. I identify with his characters completely.

I am very very weak. Hope to get better soon.

Monday, July 03, 2006

