Saturday, November 05, 2005

Thoughts at my keyboard...

From next Monday, I will be at Police Academy for a three-week course to be trained as an NPCC officer. What luck. That means no more reading, no more writing, no more art, no more social life, but also no more crap (meetings, admin work, etc.) from school (though I was tasked to design four images to go along with our school values).

Thanks to my student, now I'm sort of even more addicted to reading and writing than I already was, which is fatal because it means less time for art (and perhaps social life as well)...and God knows when was the last time I did any decent exercise or sports. I miss some friends very badly; you are in my thoughts.

At the bookshop just now, I almost bought the 'Complete short stories' by Franz Kafka. As I was telling my student days ago and my friend just now, our Singapore novel and short story seems to be stuck in the Maupassant/Maugham era. This is very scary considering that Joyce and Woolf came and went long ago, and Calvino came and went too. Garcia Marquez is dying. Nabokov -- I'm not sure. So many great writers of the world had done so much (and don't get me started on the Japanese writers), but I'm not sure what we have so far.

Writing is a sin...(?)... one has to go back and relive the past. An utter waste of time -- all for the purpose of story-telling?

Anyhow, my three-week course will effectively kill off my November holidays, while I hope to catch up with some friends in December (though there are stuff to do like lesson planning and other miscellaneous stuff)...

I want to sing KTV. I love Wang Jie. I re-listened to his hits from the mid-80s to 90s... nothing is comparable thus far.

Why? Why? Why do I feel so old now? Why do I feel so sad now?

I once wrote, 'No more cares, no more love for this world...'

Loneliness is a double-edged sword. So beautiful, yet so saddening...


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